Good Morning.
We alert you today of a family that is in need. This young married couple has a 6 year old daughter and one on the way. The mother is, six month pregnant, a full time Chiropractic Student and the father has lost his employment.
They make ends meet with a combination of student loans and employment. The issue is that the father has lost his employment and the next semester does not start until Jan 10th. As a result they are left with no income or access to money.
They have worked with their landlord and because this has never happen with hem before, the landlord is being very compassionate.
We have connected the father with one of our local area experts in the field of employment and he has already been drug screened, interviewed, and is eligible for employment. As soon as a position opens up he will be employed.
The family literally has no money at all right now and no food or gas for their car. They need our help with food, gas money, utilities. We would like to ease their financial pressures right here at Christmas.
Please consider helping this young family that is truly doing their best to make it. |