We alert you today of an opportunity to help a young husband and father in a dramatic way. Without going into great detail, it is important that I tell you this young man was born into a situation that typically does not lead toward a very straight path. Much of his family is involved in serious criminal activity and he was raised right smack dab in the middle of it.
His father died when he was young and his mother has been unable to work while confined to a wheelchair for years. This young man has abused drugs and alcohol from a young age and that choice has fueled very destructive behavior in his life. Our church partner has been interacting with him and loving him in truth for several years and finally the story has taken a positive turn. Several months ago he laid his life down, repented, and put his faith in Jesus.
Last weekend he came to the church and asked for help with his addictions. The associate pastor of the church challenged him to go to the local hospital and wait to be seen by a doctor. (Many times men and women will not take this step towards recovery.) The young man did so, was released, and advised to check himself into a rehabilitation center.
On Tuesday, he visited a recovery center that is one of our Area Experts in Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation. The program is 19 months long and he would stay at the facility. Now get this... The cost of the program is $1500 per month. However, through private donations that are given to the facility they are allowed to work with individuals showing promise and they have chosen this young man!
So here is the opportunity. If we can raise the first month, $1500, they will use private donations to pay for the remaining 18 months. What a great opportunity for us to have a dramatic impact on this you man's life!
His sobriety will have such a huge impact on his wife's life as well as the future of his two young children.
We would like to provide the 1st month's fees. |