For the last time this week, we alert you to a family of four that needs help with their rent. The mother works full-time as an account manager, and the father is a social worker for a company that works with the Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS). The children are 15 and 11, and the parents have a long history of employment and providing for their children. During the pandemic, the father’s normal caseload was reduced from 15 cases per week all the way down to between 0-3 weekly cases. He is paid per case, and the light workload left him in a place where he still had a job, but his paychecks were greatly reduced. They have been making ends meet by making good use of their savings as well as the stimulus assistance.
It looked like they made it through the shutdowns and were on the other side of the pandemic. However, the COVID-19 Delta variant took his caseload all the way to zero for several weeks while the DFCS determined the best way to handle cases through the outbreak. This resulted in him losing an entire paycheck. Adding to the pressure, both of their cars broke down, costing them an extra $800 in repairs. The DFCS department is now up and running again, and his caseload is on the rise. They have enough to make their September rent payment, but the apartment complex only allows them to make their past due August payment at the same time as their September payment. We want to help them pay their past due August rent and late fees of $1,900. They can combine our help with their September payment and get current on their rent.
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