We alert you today to a mother and her five children that are fleeing their physically abusive husband and father. The physical abuse is extensive and has been going on for a long time. The most recent incident involved the father breaking the mother’s fingers with a coffee cup. Members of one of our local church partners are working to pick up the family and are taking them into their home until they can get on their feet. They are already making headway securing the mother employment and are also working with the local police to help them remove the mother and children safely. The issue is that the volunteering church members have already helped with expensive legal fees and do not have any more funds to execute the move and get the children squared away to go to their new schools.
We would like to come alongside them and support their efforts. They need to rent a van to make the 600-mile round trip to pick up the family. The cost for that is $381 plus fuel that we estimate at about $200. The children will also need clothes as they do not have very much and will be leaving most of it behind. We feel like $150 per child (plus mom) for clothing and shoes should square them away to start school. Finally, they are going to need food for a few weeks before the mother begins her new job. We estimate $200 per week for food.
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