We alert you today to a retired Army Chaplain that needs help saving his home. He serves in the children’s ministry and also teaches a group at his local church. He has spent his post Amry career working in the IT field and has lived in the same home for 17 years. He was laid off last year and started a new job this week. During the lapse of employment, he tried to keep everything together, but he is behind on pretty much every one of his bills. We have been tracking with him to address the most urgent financial needs. He has worked with his mortgage company, and they have agreed to adjust his loan and move all late payments to the back of the loan if he can make his next mortgage payment that is due next week. This agreement, with the payment, will resolve his mortgage issue and save his home. The problem is that he is not paid for his new job until the end of this month. We want to help him with the mortgage payment of $1,480. He also needs help with keeping his gas connected. That bill is $210. We are very confident that after this support, he will be able to recover financially.
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