Good morning.
We alert you this morning of a single mother in need of some help with repairs to her 2006 Toyota Camry. The car has 166,000 miles on it and is in need of several minor repairs that when added up are too much for her to cover herself. She has been abandoned by her husband of many years and is on her own. She is working two jobs and is able to make ends meet. However, the cost of these repairs are just too much for her.
She is a member of one of our local church partners and reached out to her church for help. She originally took the car to a national auto repair chain where they told her that the repairs would be $2,000. We connected her with our local Area Expert in Auto Mechanics and are able to get he same repairs completed for $850.
We have talked with this woman in detail. She is still dealing with the heartbreak of the loss of her marriage. She is struggling just to keep her head above water. She needs some relief. We have connected her with some caring members of her local church to address some of the hurt she is dealing with and would like to help her with the car repairs. |