We alert you to a single woman who needs help getting through the next two weeks. Three weeks ago, upper management at the company where she worked informed her entire team that they would no longer be employed as of the end of the day. They were all laid off without any severance pay. In years gone by, she could apply for unemployment and expect timely short-term assistance, but since the arrival of COVID, the government’s unemployment system is just not functioning properly.
She frantically began looking for employment and found a new position in merchandising that requires her to travel for several weeks at a time. She will get her first paycheck in two weeks. She has no money now, and she needs to drive to her new job and sustain herself with food for the next two weeks. She is also concerned about a car payment of $160 that is due this week. We want to help her get through the next two weeks by giving her a Gas Card for $150, a Food and Supplies Card for $300, and cover her car payment of $160.
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