We alert you today to a family that needs help. Their 23-year-old daughter graduated from college in May of 2020. She secured employment and was to begin her career this past January. In December, she became ill with what doctors originally thought was a stomach virus. After several trips to urgent care and hospitals, she was eventually diagnosed with a Neurological Myelination Optica (NMO) on December 22nd, 2020. She has been hospitalized ever since and is currently paralyzed from her waist down and can only use one of her arms. There is no cure, but treatment and the fact that she is young could lead to full recovery. However, it is certainly not promised, and it will be a long road to recovery. There are many uncertainties. She is due to be released from the hospital next Wednesday. Her parents are scrambling to pull home equity and modify the home to care for her, but the process will take approximately three months. She is in rehabilitation, and there is a room available for her at the center. The cost is $4,500 per month, and the family does not have the money to pay the monthly fee. This is a big need and will take us all doing what we can to make an impact. Please remember that you can also share this need on your social media by clicking the Give Now button below. Our goal is to raise $13,500 to help her stay at the rehabilitation center for three months while the family prepares their home to care for her. I will leave the Need Alert open until Monday, March 8th.
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