We alert you today to a man that is facing total disability due to cancer. He has earned a living for many years as a master electrician. Last November, he lost the use of his legs and discovered that he had Multiple Myeloma. Cancer had destroyed a section of his spine, and he required surgery to regain the use of his legs. He is now able to walk but is facing total disability as a result, and his wife was forced to miss work to care for him until he regained the use of his legs. Before the diagnosis, he and his wife were stable financially. They own a home, do not have any other debt, and had a little money set aside. The out of pocket medical cost quickly eliminated their savings. When they learned that he would not be able to return to work, they adjusted their mortgage to interest only to buy themselves some time ($414 per month). They also were able to get food stamps. The issue is that property taxes are due ($2,623). He will begin receiving disability income in June, and she is headed back to work in the next few weeks. They need help with the taxes, two months of mortgage payments, and two months of utilities ($300 per month). We would like to help them get through these next few months.
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