Let me start this Need Alert by knowledging that this might be the toughest week of the year to raise money for Needs. When we discovered this Need, that is the first thing that came to mind. It is relatively urgent, and it is sizable. We have never intended to pressure anyone into giving to a Need, and we will not start today. We are asking you to stop and pray for this Need, give if you can and feel like you should, and share on your social media to help advocate for this man in need.
We alert you for the last time this week to a 76-year-old disabled man that is scheduled to be evicted from assisted living on December 1st. He has little family, and they are doing all they can to help. He requires 24-hour care, and while his son and daughter-in-law are doing all that they can, they must work full-time to provide for their children. The son is a pastor and evangelist and has dedicated his life to the ministry for many years. The daughter-in-law also works in ministry at their local church. The issue arose through an administrative error, and the father lost some of his benefits. The family was able to pay the extra $1,000 per month needed to cover the difference but fell on hard times and could not keep up. They will be able to resolve the benefits issue in April, and things have turned for the positive financially for the supporting family members.
The issue is that he owes $7,000 to avoid eviction. If the eviction can is avoided, they can keep the monthly payments up going forward. They have met with the management company, and they will accept $4,500 to hold off eviction and then accept extra payments from there each month. We want to help them and avoid eviction. We are sending out this Need Alert for $7,000 in total. We are prying for at least $4,500 to be raised before Monday.
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