Good Morning!
We alert you today of man that is recovering from alcohol addiction and truly needs a hand up. His choices through his addiction have cost him his marriage to his wife and custody of his 11 year old daughter.
Three years ago he was arrested for DUI in the parking lot of the hospital he was attempting to check himself into to go to rehab. The arrest was his second in five years for DUI and as a result he lost his license, served 60 days in jail, was assigned community service, fined heavily, and mandated to attend driving school.
Fast forward 3 years and he has been sober for 14 months (with long stretches prior to that) and is connected to a local church community. He has been living in a "pay by the week" motel for the past year because it is the only affordable housing near a bus line. He has been barely keeping his head above water, but has done so with odd jobs. His employment is a challenge because he does not have a license and he has not been able to finish up the requirements to get his license because work is a challenge.
He is directly connected to one of our local church partners and we would like to give him a little help to get over this last hump and secure his drivers license and send him him on to gainful employment.
He has served his 60 days in jail, finished all of his community service, and he attends group meeting regularly. The issue here is money...not desire. |