Good Afternoon.
We alert you today of a family with a 3 year old daughter that is in need of help quickly. This Need Alert hits close to home for me personally as I have know this family for several years. They are a hard working family that has helped many in the past and only contacted us today as a last resort.
We have a real connection with is family and pray that you will help us continue to minister to them though this relief.
The mother recently started a new business. They have invested every free dollar they have in getting the business off of the ground. It has been tough, but they have been able to make it because the husband had a regular full-time sales job and spent his nights welding for extra money.
Yesterday the company he worked for in sales shut their doors and can not even pay the paycheck he was expecting to get today. As I mentioned, they are literally living check to check while they build this new business. His paycheck was to be spent on their rent and food. Rent is due today and their pantry is completely empty. As you can imagine they are heart broken. I am personally going to make sure they have food in their pantry today with the donations collected.
We would like you to consider this family in their time of need before you head into your weekend.
We are confident that they can make it going forward as the father has already gone to work full-time welding. |