We alert you of a family in need with this first Need Alert of 2016.
Before I get into the details of this need let me tell you about an enhancement to the Need Alerts that we are implementing stating with this alert. In the past we have asked you to do 3 things with every Need Alert. We have asked you to pray for the person in need and the Deeders receiving the Need Alert, we have asked you to share their need with other through one touch social media sharing capabilities, and we have asked you to give from your abundance. Well, now we are excited to offer you another step...Learn! Starting with this Need Alert, all future alerts will have a lesson in them. One of our Co-Founders, Jesse Horne, will be leading this section of the ministry.
For those of you who do not know, Jesse is responsible for the technical development of the One Need system. God connected us when One Need was just a vision that God had given me and I had no idea how to actually execute the technical aspects of the system. Furthermore, Jesse has personally discipled me in The Word for over 7 years. Jesse will be writing the lessons and also inviting others to teach as well. We pray that each lesson will encourage you and have "street level" application in your life on mission. Now...on to the first Need Alert of 2016!
In August of last year this husband in need was forced to leave his employment due to Cataracts in both eyes. He was a medical currier and was deemed unsafe to drive due to loss of vision. He began the process of 2 she surgeries that required lens replacements so that he could go back to work. To make this trail even harder, in September his wife was laid off from her job.
For the past several months he has been undergoing a series of surgeries and recoveries to regain his sight and ability to work while she has been searching for new employment. We are happy to report that he starts back to work tomorrow and she has secured employment as well.
The issue is that they have gotten so far behind on bills that they are in danger of several utilities being disconnected and foreclosure on their home.
We would like to help them with this final stretch of recovery and get them some relief for the backed bills. |