We alert you today to a mother and her four young children that are in urgent need. I can tell you that this Need Alert will most likely be the first of two that are sent out for this family. The mother is active in one of our local church partners and a stay at home mother to her four children ages 8, 4, 4, 2. Several weeks ago she learned that her husband was gambling and had lost nearly everything they owned. He has lost their rent money gambling and has not paid any of the bills for months. He comes and goes sporadically, and this morning all of their belongings were put on the street by the leasing company. She is a fighter and is working hard to recover. She has already secured a new job and is in the process of renting a truck to load and locating temporary housing. We are working to get feet on the ground to help her load the truck as I type this alert.
We are going to be addressing the permanent housing solution in the next few weeks, but this first Need Alert for her and her children is to help them with the urgent needs. We want to come alongside them and help them financially with the rental truck ($100), a storage unit ($70), one week in a decent and safe extended stay motel ($650), and some groceries for her and the children ($250).