We alert you today of a 51-year-old widow that is in need of new garage doors. She has been a widow for 6 years now and her home has been in decline ever since due to lack of maintenance. She is a long time member of one of our local church partners and we are working with her to get her home back in order. She works full time and is able to remain financially stable. However, she does not have the financial ability to make the repairs needed to her home. Her wooden garage doors are in complete disrepair and are rotted to the point that they have huge holes in them and can not be opened. We are concerned about the garage not being sealed with winter on the way. We would also like to bless her with very easy access to her home through her garage and the added security of being able to pull into the garage without getting out of her car. We are working with our area expert in construction and would like to provide her with new metal garage doors, tracks, and new automatic openers.
*As always 100% of your donation is tax deductible and 100% of your money, less the PayPal fees, will be applied to this specific need. You should also know that the relief will be delivered by the local partner, not One Need.